
2021年2月24日—AsimpletimerbuiltforEdgeBrowser,BasedonOmniboxTimer.,基于OmniboxTimer为Edge浏览器构建的简单计时器多功能框计时器再次Chrome用户的另一个快速计时器工具,基于OmniboxTimer“OmniboxTimer”是一个很好的扩展, ...,AChromeextensiontosettimersfromtheomnibox.ItisgoodforKeyboardlovers.Type'tm'andspace,thenyoucansetthetimerfromtheomnibox.Whentime ...,OmniboxTimer.Type'tm'andspace,thenyoucansetthe...

Omnibox Timer Again

2021年2月24日 — A simple timer built for Edge Browser, Based on Omnibox Timer.

Omnibox Timer Again_0.73_Chrome插件商店_Chrome插件下载

基于Omnibox Timer 为Edge 浏览器构建的简单计时器多功能框计时器再次Chrome 用户的另一个快速计时器工具,基于Omnibox Timer “Omnibox Timer”是一个很好的扩展, ...


A Chrome extension to set timers from the omnibox. It is good for Keyboard lovers. Type 'tm' and space, then you can set the timer from the omnibox. When time ...


Omnibox Timer. Type 'tm' and space, then you can set the timer from the omnibox. When time is over, Chrome will show a desktop notification.

Omnibox Timer Turns the Chrome Address Bar into a Timer

2013年7月16日 — Setting a timer is as simple as typing tm then hitting tab, followed by your time interval, using h for hours, m for minutes (or leaving ...

Omnibox Timer Again for Google Chrome

2023年2月9日 — Omnibox Timer Again is an application that was created in a short time span by Google. It is a tool for users to quickly set timers. This is a ...

Omnibox Timer Chrome插件

A simple timer built for Chrome You can set timers from the omnibox. It is good for Keyboard lovers. Type 'tm' and space, then you can set the timer from ...

4 Awesome Time

2017年9月21日 — With the Omnibox, you can safely allow yourself a short break from your task using the Omnibox Timer. With this feature, you can set a timer, ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
